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Workflow creation and Fine tuning

Workflows implement business processes on documents, web pages, forms, and list items. They can be associated with libraries, lists, or content types.

In document management, use workflows to route documents from person to person so they can each complete their document management tasks, such as reviewing documents, approving their publication, or managing their disposition. Also, use custom workflows to move documents from one site or library to another. For example, you can design a workflow to copy a document from one site to another when the document is scheduled to be archived.

Associate a workflow with a content type when you want to make that workflow available whenever that content type is in use. For example, a purchase order workflow could require approval by a manager before completing the transaction. To ensure that the approval workflow is always available when a purchase order is initiated, you can create a Purchase Order workflow type and associate the approval workflow with it.

To plan workflows for your document management solution, analyze each document content type you plan to implement and identify the business processes that need to be available to run on content of that type. Then identify the workflows you will need to make available for that content.

For more information about our document management services, contact us today.